Mastering String Manipulation in UiPath: A Comprehensive Guide

Main points for "String Manipulation in UiPath":

1. Regex.Replace

The Regex.Replace method is used to replace text using regular expressions, allowing for more complex patterns than simple string replacements.

Example: If you want to replace all digits with # in a string:

Text = "My number is 12345"
Result = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Text, "\d", "#")

Here, Result will be "My number is #####".

  • Real-time example: You have a string "My email is", and you want to mask the email username part:
Email = ""
MaskedEmail = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Email, "^\w+", "****")  
'Output: "****"

2. Right

The Right method is used to get a specified number of characters from the right side of a string.

Example: If you want the last 3 characters of a string:

Text = "Welcome"
Result = Text.Substring(Text.Length - 3)

Here, Result will be "ome".

  • Real-time example: Extracting the last 2 digits of a phone number "9876543210":
PhoneNumber = "9876543210"
LastTwoDigits = PhoneNumber.Substring(PhoneNumber.Length - 2)  
'Output: "10"

3. TrimStart

The TrimStart method removes leading white-space characters from the start of a string.


Text = "    Hello"
Result = Text.TrimStart()  'Output: "Hello"
  • Real-time example: Removing leading spaces from a product code " ABC123":
ProductCode = "    ABC123"
TrimmedCode = ProductCode.TrimStart()  
'Output: "ABC123"

4. Remove

The Remove method is used to delete a part of the string, starting at a specified position.

Example: You want to remove the first 5 characters from a string.

Text = "Welcome to UiPath"
Result = Text.Remove(0, 5)

Here, Result will be "to UiPath", as it removes the first 5 characters starting from index 0.

  • Real-time example: Removing the domain part of an email "":
Email = ""
ModifiedEmail = Email.Remove(Email.IndexOf("@"))  
'Output: "user"

5. Left

The Left method is used to get a specified number of characters from the left side of a string.

Example: If you want to extract the first 3 characters of a string:

Text = "Welcome"
Result = Text.Substring(0, 3)  'or use Left as a custom function

Here, Result will be "Wel".

  • Real-time example: Extracting the first 6 digits of a zip code "1234567890":
ZipCode = "1234567890"
FirstPart = ZipCode.Substring(0, 6)  
'Output: "123456"

6. TrimEnd

The TrimEnd method removes trailing white-space characters from the end of a string.


Text = "Hello    "
Result = Text.TrimEnd()  'Output: "Hello"
  • Real-time example: Removing trailing spaces from a product code "XYZ123 ":
ProductCode = "XYZ123    "
TrimmedCode = ProductCode.TrimEnd()  
'Output: "XYZ123"

7. Substring

The Substring method is used to extract a part of a string, starting at a specified position.

Example: You want to extract the first 4 characters from a string.

Text = "Hello World"
Result = Text.Substring(0, 4)

Here, Result will be "Hell". Substring(0, 4) means "start from index 0 and take 4 characters".

  • Real-time example: You want to extract the date from "2025-02-13":
DateString = "2025-02-13"
Date = DateString.Substring(0, 4)  
'Output: "2025"

8. Split

The Split method is used to divide a string into an array of substrings based on a delimiter.

Example: Imagine you have a list of names, and you want to split the full name into first and last names.

FullName = "John Doe"
NameParts = FullName.Split(" "c)

Here, " " (space) is the delimiter, and NameParts will be an array containing ["John", "Doe"].

  • Real-time example: You have an address "123, Main St, New York", and you want to separate the parts based on commas:
Address = "123, Main St, New York"
AddressParts = Address.Split(","c)

AddressParts will contain ["123", " Main St", " New York"].

9. Replace

The Replace method is used to replace a specific part of a string with another string.

Example: You want to replace "hello" with "hi" in a string.

Text = "Hello World"
Result = Text.Replace("Hello", "Hi")

Here, Result will be "Hi World".

  • Real-time example: Replacing spaces with hyphens in a sentence "Hello World":
Text = "Hello World"
ModifiedText = Text.Replace(" ", "-")  
'Output: "Hello-World"

10. Trim, LTrim, RTrim

  • Trim removes leading and trailing spaces.
  • LTrim removes only leading spaces.
  • RTrim removes only trailing spaces.


Text = "   Hello World   "

Trimmed = Text.Trim()         'Output: "Hello World"
LeftTrimmed = Text.LTrim()    'Output: "Hello World   "
RightTrimmed = Text.RTrim()   'Output: "   Hello World"
  • Real-time example: Cleaning a username " user123 " before saving:
Username = "  user123 "
CleanUsername = Username.Trim()  
'Output: "user123"

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